These books are excellent resources for actuaries at all levels looking to develop or navigate their career path.

REF-ACT-883756_IMAGEActuarial Learning: A Guidebook to Exam Success and Workplace Advancement, by Nicolas Mocciolo, FSA, FRM & Stephen J. Camilli, FSA
This efficient and effective book was written specifically for actuarial students and those who are considering an actuarial career. It includes detailed information on the various actuarial organizations in the United States, Canada and beyond, along with descriptions of many organizations’ education programs. Topics covered include techniques to maximize success on the exams, non-technical skills critical to longer-term success in the profession, and career advice. It is a perfect single-source career development reference for aspiring actuaries.
Available as an E-book or Hard Copy

InflActThe Influential Actuary: How Actuaries & Other Technically Oriented Professionals Set Themselves Apart, by David C. Miller, MS, PCC
This book was written specifically for actuarial students, and those who are considering an actuarial career. Its primary focus is on suggested techniques to use in order to maximize success on the exams. It also includes consolidated information on the various actuarial organizations in the United States and Canada. The final chapter features an introduction to other non-technical skills which are critical to longer-term success in the actuarial profession.
Available as an E-Book or Hard Copy or Purchase Hard Copy

product_thumbnailAchieving Your Pinnacle: A Career Guide for Actuaries by Tom Miller
Tom seeks to provide readers of his career guide with valuable insights regarding the actuarial employment market, covering topics such as choice of product specialization, how to conduct effective job searches, switching successfully from insurance to consulting and inside tips on what clients are really looking for when they interview you. Armed with deep knowledge and a unique perspective on the actuarial profession, Tom expects that this book will be a resource that will help you make better career decisions and “Achieve Your Pinnacle.”
Download Free E-book or Purchase Hard Copy

SzaboActuaries’ Survival Guide, Second Edition: How to Succeed in One of the Most Desirable Professions by Fred Szabo

This book covers the ideas, techniques, and skills involved in the day-to-day work of actuaries. A second edition has been updated to reflect the growing influence of the web and social networking, the progress toward a global knowledge-based economy, and the global expansion of the actuarial field that has occurred since the first edition.
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