Where can I study Actuarial Science or obtain an Actuarial Science degree?

A degree in Actuarial Science is not required to become an actuary, but it certainly helps prepare you for the exams and career path. Other common majors for actuaries include Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Finance, Engineering, Physics, or Computer Science.

List of Universities and Colleges with Actuarial Programs 

The UCAP list includes actuarial programs that meet the following requirements:

  • Maintain course coverage for at least two actuarial exams
  • Have approved courses for at least one VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) topic
  • List of Designated Centers for Actuarial Excellence
    • Centers of Actuarial Excellence (CAE) are university/college actuarial programs that have met eight specific requirements related to degree, curriculum, graduate count, faculty composition, graduate quality, appropriate integration, connection to industry, and research/scholarship. These schools are labeled “CAE” in the UCAP list under the “SOA Recognition Tier” column.

Above link and content courtesy of the SOA.